HR Manager, Manager IT, M.T.O, Call Center Staff, Customer Care, Record Keepers, Call Center Incharge, Land Officer Jobs in Pakistan
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Jobs Name:HR Manager, Manager IT, M.T.O, Call Center Staff, Customer Care, Record Keepers, Call Center Incharge, Land Officer Jobs in Pakistan Education:Master, Bachelor, Intermediate, Matric Age:45 years Last date:15 days after advertise
Jobs in Pakistan:
This is a private sector jobs and there are jobs all over Pakistan people can apply from anywhere it is a very good and attractive job and especially those who have can apply in it from all four provinces of Pakistan and Azad. Can also apply from Gilgit Baltistan Azad Kashmir. How Apply:For these jobs you have to apply online this is a private limited company located in raiwait lahore it needs set-ups who are well qualified and talented to carry out their work. Test: A written test will be taken from the applicants to ascertain their general knowledge followed by a special interview and non-medically fit candidates will be recruited in the same, male and female. Both can apply These are jobs with an attractive package located in Lahore for Up HR Manager on this Cooper whose education or qualification and experience Fresh Retired Pakistan Air Force Army Navy Both male and female can apply after Munir is ID for this Major Squad Leader or Abu Master Degree Bachelor with 5 years experience can apply followed by METO Jobs in which Heavy Vehicle Grader and above can apply FA and BA is required for call center staff both male and female can apply followed by customer care center jobs in which graduate and computer insider both male and female can apply Keepers Army Air Force Retired Personnel from Clerical Branch can apply followed by Call Center Incharge Jobs Candidates with Graduation and five years experience can apply followed by Land Officer Army Air Force Retired officers can apply from this you have to send a CV which is given on this add WhatsApp number and email address. Jobs Portal:
PK Inform is a jobs portal website where job advertisements are posted on daily basis. This jobs portal is Pakistan's number one job website. All the job advertisements are sorted and placed on this job portal, saving the time and effort of the job seekers and posting their jobs on this one website. You can search the job of your choice, this website plays a key role for unemployed and educated people, all the information for the freshers is provided on this website and their favorite ads are uploaded on this website. Goes so that he can see it and improve his career. Are you a citizen of Pakistan and you are unemployed and you want to find employment, do you want to do a government job or go to private sector or do you want to start a business this website will guide you if you have completed matric, intermediate, graduation or master and you are looking for a job then this website will be helpful for you. The site is uploaded on daily basis so that you can save your time and effort and find your desired job from this one platform if you have completed your education and want to apply and land a good job. If you want then this website can fulfill your wish if you want to give competitive exam or written exam for any job then this website will help you completely PPSC. You will find all solved past papers of PSC, SPSC, BPSC, KPKSPC, AJKPSC on this website, which you can remember and check your written papers. You can clear the exam then you will get MCQs related to current affairs and written exam which will help you in written exam this website will provide you complete tertiary exam related material. And you will surely pass the written exam and you will improve your career.
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HR Manager, Manager IT, M.T.O, Call Center Staff, Customer Care, Record Keepers, Call Center Incharge, Land Officer Jobs in Pakistan