Writer, Patwari, Security Guards, Security Supervisor Jobs in Pakistan
Many jobs have been announced in Pakistan it is a private limited company located in Lahore city of Punjab it is a project on Raiwind road it requires staff for notary public who can do Urdu typing. and having special experience in writing registers followed by patwari who is retired patwari from revenue department or having sufficient knowledge of land measurement and verification of documents etc. and having at least five years of experience thereafter There are security supervisor or security guard jobs, retirees from army can apply for it, you have to send your CV to the below whatsapp number or email to the email address via PK in form jobs in Pakistan. It is a top website for information, all newspaper ads are uploaded daily and at one place you can see all job ads on daily basis and as soon as possible so that you Don't wait any longer, you should tell all your unemployed friends and loved ones about this website and share this ad with them.
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Writer, Patwari, Security Guards, Security Supervisor Jobs in Pakistan |