Military Lands & Cantonments Department
Ministry of Defense
Age:65 years
Last Date: 15 Days
Jobs in Pakistan:
Military Lands & Cantonments Department
Ministry of Defense
Aplications are invited by Cantt Board Walton from eligible candidates for the post of Health
Consultant to be recruited under Rule-9 of the Pakistan Cantonment Servants Rules, 1954 on fixed pay and perks to be decided by the Cantt Board.
Qualification / Experience
i. MBBS from a university recognized by HEC.
ii. 20 years experience in health administration
Health Consultanti. Experience in managing construction and Age Limit Max. 65
execution of hospital is preferable.years,
iv. Must have experience in accreditation of
Medical Institute with governing bodies.
Late and incomplete applications shall not be considered lentertaincd.
1. The eliible candidates may apply on plain paper within seven (07) days from the
publication of this notice/advertisement.
2. The candidates shall provide certificate oopies of testimonials at the time of testinterview.
3. Candidates are already serving in the Govt. institutions shall apply through proper channels.
4. Only short-listed candidates will be called for an interview for which no TA/DA will be admissible.
6. Detailed terms and conditions regulating the service of the successful candidate inetuding
monthly pay and perks shall be determined by the board. The same shall be entailed in the
offer letter. preferably at AMC.
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Military Lands & Cantonments Department
Ministry of Defense