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Education:Master Bachelor Intermediate Matric
Age:45 Years
Last Date: 12 February 2024
Jobs in Pakistan:
1. Candidate must possess educational qualifications and must be within age limits mentioned in the advertisement with effect from the closing date of receipt of applications is February 12, 2024.
2. The maximum age limit may be relaxed to the extent as mentioned below however, where a candidate is entitled to age relaxation under more than one categories, he/she shall be allowed age relaxation only in one category:-
(a) By 3 years in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Buddhist Community, recognized tribes of the Tribal Areas, AJ&K and Northern Areas (Gilgit Baltistan).
(b) By 3 years in case of candidates belonging to Sindh (Rural) and Balochistan for posts in BS-15 and below.
(c) By 10 years (upto the age of 55 years) in case of government servants who have completed 2 years continuous government service on the closing date for receipt of applications.
(d) In case of released or retired officers/personnel of the Armed Forces of Pakistan, by 15 years or the number of years actually served in the Armed Forces of Pakistan, whichever is less.
(e) By 5 years in case of widows/widowers, son or daughter of a deceased civil servant who died during service.
() By 10years in case of disable persons for appointment to posts in BS-15 and below.
3. THE QUOTA RESERVED FOR WOMEN, MINORITIES AND DISABLES WILL BE ADHERED TO ACCORDING TO THE GOVERNMENT'S INSTRUCTIONS. Persons with disabilities can apply for all posts however, they are encouraged to apply against posts at Ser No. 2 to 4 & 7to 10
4. Negative marking will apply in Screening Test @ 0.25 mark for each wrong answer.
5. No TA/DA will be admissible to candidates for appearing in tests / interviews.
1. ONLINE APPLICATION FORMS and online application fee deposit slips are available on website: Hard copy submission of Application Forms is "Not Required".
2. Application fee payable by candidate is Rs. 2000/- for Posts in BS-17, Rs. 1500/- for posts in BS-14 to 16, Rs. 1200 for posts in BS-9 to BS-11 and Rs. 850 for BS-7 post. Fee can be paid through 1 bill invoice from all participating banks / ATMs/ Internet Banking/ Easy Paisa/Jazz Cash/ UPaisa/ TCS express counters using 20 Digits invoice number generated
in your fee slip. Only 1 bill invoice payment will be accepted. Deposited Fee is nonrefundable / non-transterable therefore, candidates must ensure eligibility before applying for any post. Deposit Slips will be generated through website till 1400 Hours of Closing Date of Apply. To avoid inconvenience / rush, candidates are advised for early submission of application fee.
3. BY PAYING SINGLE FEE, A CANDIDATE MAY APPLY FOR TWO POSTS OF any group of posts at Sr #2to 4,5 & 6,7 to.9, 10 &11subjectto eligibility. To Apply for more posts, extra fee will be payable and so on.
4. Test/ result intimation slips shall not be sent through postal /courier services. CANDIDATES ARE ADVISED TO visit website ( on alternate/ daily basis and KEEP THEIR CELL NUMBERS OPERATIONAL, for tests/results intimations.
5. Furnishing correct personal details, sending documents (whenever required) and adherence to the timelines is sole responsibility of candidates. All these aspects are part of eligibility determination and reflect upon seriousness and competence of candidates.
6. For any query, contact Phone No. 051-8905000 of MoD.
LAST DATE TO APPLY : February 12, 2024
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