Government of the Punjab Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department Jobs


Jobs Detail:Government of the Punjab Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department Jobs


Age:55 years

Last Date: 15 Days

Jobs in Pakistan:
Specialiced Healthcare & Medical Education (SHCAME) Department, Government of the Punjab, seoks to select appoint heathcare protesional for the post of Medical DIRECTOR, CHILDRENS HOSPITAL UNIVERSITY OF CHILD HEALTH sCIENCES, LAHORE WOrking under the administrative control of SHC&ME Department.
Prolessors of Paediatic / any related speciaty of Pediatric (BS-20Regular) serving under the Medical Health institutions of Specialzod Healthcare & Modical Education Depatment can apply Applicants may send thekr applcations alongwth attested documents to the offoe of Additional Secretary
(Admin), SHCSME Departmert within two weeks after the publcation - Incomplete agglications and agplications received aer due date shal not be entertained Only shortisted candidates shall be calod for interview for which no TADA shalalowed
only Professor of Paediatriclany related specialty of pediatric (Bs-20/Regular)
serving under SHC&ME Department can apply)
 The appkcations recaved oher than prescrbedLEORM (avalable at htpsenth punjab.goy, pk shall not be considered and will be able to be rejected.
Actua Designation alongaith Basis Scale (on regar basis) Warkung Designation Presently working as Presently Working at: (Place oł Posting) Name of post Applied for:
Academic Qualification Experience (major postings & tenures during the last ten years)
Trainings (if any) with title of training (period from - to ss and duration)
Seniority No. with Year of Induction / promotion
(atach a copy of the seniority list menoning yeur name and the frat & last page)
Date of Birth (ddimmlyyyy)
Date of Superannuation
(dd/mmyvY) District of Domicile
14 Mobie No CNIC NO. Emai:
16. Postal address: Any Distinction
18. Pending inquiny (if any)
Two recent passpart size photos
Medical Director (BS-20), Children's Hospital &
Unlversty of Chld Health Sciences, Lahore

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Government of the Punjab Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department Jobs
Government of the Punjab Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department Jobs

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