Recruitment of Constable Jobs, Lady Constable Jobs, Driver Constable Jobs and Traffic Assistant Jobs for Punjab Police. Application Form. Last Date: 17-02-2024 ... Posts of PSAs Jobs
Latest Punjab Police Jobs 2024 | Application Form
Punjab Police has announced Punjab Police Jobs 2024 for Constable, Lady Constable, Driver Constable, and Traffic Assistant in Punjab. The details of all these vacancies are available on this page. We obtained the
Latest Punjab police jobs, pak police jobs, Government of Punjab has announced the latest jobs in Punjab Police. There are Punjab Police Jobs and this is the latest Punjab Police Jobs for it. Both men and women can apply from all the districts of Punjab. The age limit for these Punjab police jobs is given on the advertisement. In this, the medical fitness of the candidate is very important and the candidates of the districts can apply in their districts. Is punjab police job 2023, punjab police jobs 2023,Police jobs 2023Contables And Lady Constable Jobs in Punjab PolicePunjab police job 2024, punjab police jobs 2024,Police jobs 2024, punjab police join, job in punjab police, jobs for punjab police, Jobs in punjab police Pakistan,In all the districts of Punjab, application can be made in the respective districts for the recruitment of Kan Stay Blan Lady Constitu Blan and Traffic Assistant Skill Sat Bama and Prevailing Allowance vacancies in the respective districts and applications are required in the proposed form as per the following criteria. The age limit for constable and lady constable is 22 years for all districts of Punjab while for Dera Ghazi Khan and Rajanpur districts it is 25 years for male. Height of 5 feet 7 inches and for female candidates should be 5 feet 2 inches height Chest should be as per police reference standard Candidates must have cap seal and ID card of the concerned district Education is FA. Therefore, it is mandatory to pass the one-minute race. Jobs in Pakistan:Drivers Constables jobs in Punjab policeAge limit for driver constable is 30 years and height and residence are required as per first while LT driving license is also required and having special experience is preferred. It will also be a one mile race. Both men and women can apply. Candidates from all districts of Punjab can apply in their respective districts.Assistant Traffic Jobs in Punjab PoliceThis is civil candidate jobs for this age limit is 22 years candidate must have rabbi cell and ID card of the concerned district must be second division intermediate for this also there will be one country race both male and female apply. Can and must have good eyesight and height and chest fit in this all the candidates of Punjab can apply these are jobs for both male and female.
Education:Intermediate, Matric
Punjab Police has announced Punjab Police Jobs 2024 for Constable, Lady Constable, Driver Constable, and Traffic Assistant in Punjab. The details of all these vacancies are available on this page. We obtained the
Age:30 Years
Last Date: 17 February 2024
Indeed Jobs:Government of the Punjab Jobs
Latest Government Jobs:Latest Punjab police jobs, punjab police job 2023, punjab police jobs 2023,Police jobs 2023
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More Jobs Detail: Interested candidates can download the present form from the Punjab Police website. It can be obtained from the concerned district police line. No sand will be given to the candidates in terms of education and age etc. Employees of government and semi-government institutions should submit their application form through Makmana before the last date. The percentage is 15% quota of constable and driver constable posts are reserved for women or 5% women quota for maket traffic assistant only from nation 10% quota of table and driver constable posts will be reserved for ex-servicemen and Qadiati. Education and Domicile which is reserved for the following Civil Candidates Age Also Walls from present age if the period of service in army is deducted, his remaining age should be less than 22 years Officers who have undergone medical or any other medical treatment Dismissed from Army due to reason and not eligible to apply Candidate's Height Chest Measurement Race Driving Test Only Driver Constable Tertiary Examination and Interview Candidates who want to give additional marks on the basis of Police Family Claim must submit their claim Submit all relevant documents like pension book copy of retiree order etc along with your application.